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How to reach the headquarters of the A2B Accorroni located in Osimo, in the province of Ancona, Via D'Ancona, 37

for those traveling by car:
Higway exit at Ancona-Osimo South, take direction North to Aspio and
continue for about 5 km in the direction of Osimo (see map below)


Motorway exit Ancona South-Osimo, take towards South to Osimo Stazione and continue for about 8 km. in the direction Osimo

for those traveling by air:
The nearest airport Ancona - Falconara is located 25 km from A2B Accorroni which can be reached by public transport.

for those traveling by train:
The nearest railway station is Osimo Stazione, but we recommend Ancona as not all trains stop at the station of Osimo. From Ancona station you can reach the A2B Accorroni EG by public transport.

Sale of systems for heating, cooling, air handling and renewable energy for residential buildings, shops, offices and industry.

More info


Via d’Ancona, 37
60027 Osimo (AN) Italia
(+39) 071 723991


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